Hybrid AAD Join + MEM dla urządzeń on-prem.

Create profile for Data Collection for Devices in MEM

How to start collecting data from devices that are used with MEM? Last time, when I was playing with Feature Updates I realized that on one of the tenants I didn’t enable Data Collection for enrolled devices in MEM. But what does mean? For example, if you will be...
Hybrid AAD Join + MEM dla urządzeń on-prem.

Data Collection – czyli logi z maszyn w MEM

Dziś natkąłem się na ciekawą rzecz podczas zabaw z Feature Updates dla maszyn z Windowsami. Mianowicie – Data Collection. Maszyny muszą nam coś zwracać, abyśmy mieli raportowanie, prawda? A domyślnie jest to wszystko wyłączone dla maszyn w naszej organizacji....
A way to learn MEM and MEMC…

A way to learn MEM and MEMC…

Resources, which help you to learn MEM and MEMC. Last time I was asked what is the best idea to start learning the Microsoft Endpoint (Configuration) Manager. Keep practicing. But how to practice if you need to spend some money to buy licenses, provide a credit card...