Learn how to configure Lobby Meeting options in Microsoft Teams!

The last time I have teams meeting on my private tenant and I had issues with the lobby. The default configuration didn’t allow me to bypass the lobby and start the meeting. Why? I was interested in that case and I started an investigation on how to configure lobby on Microsoft Teams.

To configure policies in Microsoft Teams, you need to visit Microsoft Teams Admin Center and go to Meeting > Meetings Policies. On this page, you can find multiple settings, which you can configure and after that – assign to a proper group of users / direct to users. The preferred way is assigning to the group of users because you had control over what user-specific policy is assigned.

Configure Lobby Meeting options in Microsoft Teams

The first thing is to create a policy and configure necessary options. You need to provide a name and description. Be careful here, if you have multiple policies you can get lost in policies if you don’t create a proper name of policies.

Things, which you want to configure about a lobby you can find in the bottom section of the page.

Configure Lobby Meeting options in Microsoft Teams

You need to configure the option named Automatically admin people. In my case, I configured it to People in my organization. Every other person needs to be accepted before joining the meeting.

Configure Lobby Meeting options in Microsoft Teams

When you configure necessary options, you need to assign them to a proper group of users. To do this, go to Group policy assignment and click Add Group button.

On the right side, you need to provide a name of the group to which you want to assign the policy, select a rank number (about this you can read it more here) and select a proper policy.

Configure Lobby Meeting options in Microsoft Teams

So I configured to bypass lobby for Organization only and invited my account from another tenant, after that, I received information that Jakub Piesik is waiting in the lobby and can / cannot join the meeting.

Configure Lobby Meeting options in Microsoft Teams

Also, you can configure any other settings if you want for your users.

Credits of photo: Andrea Piacquadio