What is a compare-vm command and how to use it?

I don’t know if you know something like Windows and Office deployment lab kit but it is a complete lab for training about SCCM / Intune, etc. During lab initial setup I received the below error:

PowerShell - compare-vm command

Unable to import virtual machine due to configuration errors. Please use Compare-VM to repair the virtual machine. Sounds familiar? Not for me. Let’s see how to use that command and how to properly import VM to our environment.

1) Open PowerShell as administrator 2) Use command Compare-VM with path parameter to XML file of our affected VM. PowerShell - compare-vm command 3) And if you type:

   $compareVM.Incompatibilities.Message | Format-List

You should receive a description of the issue. For me is: PowerShell - compare-VM command So, we have an issue that I don’t have the required cores for this VM.

It’s all. Now I know that I can change the number of cores before import and that should work!

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