Couple days ago Microsoft was announced new version of Intune – 1812. There was a couple news for Administrators, but one is most interesting. It is:

Tenant status.

On this page we can find all information about our Tenant, especially connectors, users, devices, location and another information.

Intune tenant status

Most important thing on that page is possibility to check connectors status. What is connector? It’s service to connect with any external and internal service to manage our Azure AD / Intune. For example, most used by me connector is AutoPilot and applications from Microsoft Store for Business.

If we have connected another providers from Apple, Google or Jamf – on that place we will se status. If there will be any errors – they will show on that page.

On below screen you can find status of my all services what I have connected to my Tenant. Maybe on future I will add some Google services.

Intune tenant status

That is one of most changes on current release of Intune – version 1812.